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Slimming and Lifestyle:
" Being overweight or obese is a chronic disease that can not be cured by quick fix fad diets.  
As a  chronic illness, it takes dedication and change of lifestyle to achieve  successful  management
and  the ultimate result i.e.: - good physical and mental health and ideal weight.  For this reason,
we do not only do a diet but treat obesity and weight with an holistic approach, including evaluating
the body, mind and lifestyle.
With our extensive experience gained through treating thousands of suffering patients, we have managed to help many change   and - in a lot of cases - save their lives.  We are learning every day and although we may never know everything about weightloss, we are one of the most experienced and dedicated clinics to the cause of treating weight.
With our qualified and efficient staff; you can be sure of professional service, competency and understanding of your specific needs.
No one deserves to suffer the burden of obesity.  Join us today and let us help you to find yourself again." 

 - Dr H C Rossouw -

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