Motivational quote of the week:

TO ALL STRUGGLING WITH WEIGHT or if you know someone battling - the Dr Rossouw Weigth Loss plan may just change your life forever..
"Today I want to share with you a very special message, especially to those whom are lost inside their overweight bodies, longing for freedom, but not knowing how to get out..
Sometimes you just need to speak to someone whom does not know the struggle, to make you again remember the true scope of obesity / overweight. For a lot of people the maths are so simple.. just do this or leave out that, and there you go... judgment of so many of us is such a reality, and so many souls dreaming and wishing to be free, get lost just because they feel- and are- so isolated.. perhaps one family member/co worker/friend struggles with focus etc, while the rest just gets it right from the start and do well without much effort...
For the person for whom it does not happen as easily, and believe me, we are in abundance, it is just devastating and a complete breakdown of self esteem as you constantly feel like a failure for the smallest "mistake" you make, stopping you from seeing it through..
Friends, in the many many years we have been helping patients, we have realized that it is easy to treat the symptoms, but you must find the cause to truly help the patient overcome their unhealthy relationship with food, to help them overcome the triggers for overeating or difficulty in choosing what is best for them.
We believe in supporting and educating our patients, because with the correct assistance, knowledge on nutrition and health, it is SO much easier to choose better. There are no mistakes in the journey to a healthy lifestyle, there are only learning curves. We believe in doing your best with what you have, and to celebrate every healthy choice and learn from every unhealthy choice. We believe in never giving up hope, and seeing all obstacles as an opportunity to finding a solution..
No one individual are the same, we are all unique. What works for one, does NOT work for all. In a society where internet diets are in their gazillions and options are overwhelming, it is good to know with our 2 + decades of experience in the field, we can quiet the storm for you and give you the best possible advice and support for YOUR specific need.
Being obese or overweight is one of the loneliest experiences one can ever have.. I have said this many times.. no one just decides one day to start over eating and become overweight.. if it slowly crept up over the years, it slowly degraded self worth, physical and mental health and self confidence.. it causes severe angst, depression and disease, stealing lives..
If you do not know where to begin... if you are one of those lost inside your body, so wishing to get out, get the help you need... we do not judge, we are here to help YOU find yourself and become whole again.. We cannot walk the walk for you, but we will walk it with you..."
Hope is just a phone call/email away... let us help you find your way out..